No Limit Challenge
A good reason to fish new waters and challenge yourself to target different species of fish.

Welcome to New Orleans Fly Fishers 2025 No Limit Challenge
An NOFFC Members-Only Event
The 2025 NOFFC No Limit Challenge is a tournament with the purpose of having fun catching as many individual fish species as possible on fly fishing equipment during the 11-month period that kicks off January 1st and ends November 30th at 11:59pm. There is No Limit on where you can fish or the different type of fish species you can catch. Winners will be announced via club email and Social Media. The participant with the highest species count will be christened as the No Limit Champion and recognized with an award with the next two places receiving a special award as well. Additionally, all participants present at the Christmas party will have the tickets they earned, one for each species submitted, entered into a drawing for an Orvis Mirage fly reel. See below for details on rules and awards.

Randy Richter, 2024 No Limit Challenge Champion with 118 species, showing an extraordinary Rainbow Parrotfish he caught out of Marathon, Florida.

Kirk Dietrich came in 2nd place with 33 species. This Sheepshead Minnow he caught in New Orleans Harbor illustrates that size doesn't matter in the No Limit Challenge.

Ty Tonelli with an Alligator Gar he caught in a Jefferson Parish canal during the 2024 No Limit Challenge. He has a great story of his catch that involves a 45 minute battle during which time he telephoned friends for a lifeline. I hear Mac Colvin is the guy to call if you need a rope and help landing big gar.

Kevin Eskew placed 3rd in the 2024 No Limit Challenge with 25 species. Here is a Barred Sand Bass he caught out of Long Beach, California.
Information & Rules
The No Limit Challenge is about getting out on the water with your flyrods and challenging yourself to learn about new species, and the how, when, and where to catch them. Participating in the No Limit Challenge will take you on new adventures in search of different fish species to catch. You may find yourself carrying along your flyrod wherever you travel even on work and family trips taking advantage of opportunities to wet a fly in new waters.
General tournament rules apply as well, read here: General Tournaments Rules and Info
The purpose of the tournament is to catch as many individual fish species as possible on fly fishing equipment.
The tournament format is CPRE (Catch/Photo/Release Encouraged). All you need to participate is a current NOFFC Membership, FFI Membership (Enroll or Renew Memberships here), a phone or camera, fly rod, fly, and of course the fish.
When you catch a new-to-you species, simply take a photo of the fish being sure to include the fly rod and/or fly in the frame with the fish. You do not need a token or card in the photo. (See General Photography Guidance and Other Tips on the Tournaments Home Page.)
Within 30 days from taking the photo, you must submit the original photograph.
To submit your new fish species, come to this web page, and use the Submit Your Fish button above to fill out the catch info. Be sure to upload your LIVE FISH photo at the end of the form.
This will allow the Tournament Committee to determine date of catch.
Awards and Prizes
All Participants that submitted fish and are present at the annual Christmas Party will be awarded 1 ticket for each different fish species they submitted during the course of the No Limit Challenge. These tickets will be entered in an exclusive drawing for a chance to win a Orvis Mirage LT Reel; weight of the winner's choice.
The owner of the winning ticket of the Mirage LT reel must be present to win.
1st place Champion as well as 2nd, & 3rd place for the highest different species counts at the close of the No Limit Challenge will be recognized at the Christmas Party with a commemorative plaque for their significant accomplishment.
If unable to attend the party, they can pick up their plaque at No Wake Outfitters or be presented with it at another event.
Tie Breaker: In the unlikely event there is a tie for any of the top 3 places, the participant with more species caught in Louisiana will prevail.
If that is tied as well, we will go to the person that turned in their first fish sooner than the other.
ALL Participants are eligible for a complimentary Tournament Decal and option to purchase additional ones after submitting their first fish. Decals may be picked up at No Wake Outfitters or any of the other club event. Tournament stickers will be available after the tournament ends for $3 to anyone wishing to purchase one.
​The data base created from the submission form View Entries Submitted with everyone’s entries, is a great resource to fellow club members. Novice/beginner fly fishers to the experienced will learn more about the fish you can catch with a flyrod, many within a short driving distance from your home.
​While the location is requested in the form, you are not required to put your exact honey hole, merely enter the general location/body of water. That and the other information collected by the form allows fellow club members to see what species can be caught on fly, where these fish can be taken on fly, at what time of year, and on what flies.
This makes the No Limit Challenge a fun interactive tournament that will help expand everyone’s fly fishing horizons and experiences.
Fish Identification: the following are links to sites for helping identify and learn about most of the different fish you are likely to come across. However, the tournament committee will review each entrant for accuracy before publishing the entry.
​Remember to maximize your sunfish catch potential by going over to the GCC site and go to the GCC Suncatch Challenge page and enter that on-going challenge if your fish qualifies; the Suncatch rules have geographic restrictions, so be sure to read the rules first.